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After vacation bug hunting

Two weeks vacations always seem short yet the 900+ mails waiting for sorting on my Gentoo Linux inbox was a reminder that our beloved distribution is well alive ! So I guess it was time for a little bug killing spree :)

rabbitMQ v3.3.0

This release improves performance in a variety of conditions, adds monitoring information to identify performance bottlenecks, adds dynamically manageable shovels, and allows Java-based clients to reconnect automatically after network failure.

This release also corrects a number of defects in the broker and plugins, as well as introducing a host of smaller features as you can see on the changelog. Be warned that the behavior of the guest user has been altered !

I also fixed a long awaiting bug to bump the rabbitMQ C client to v0.5.0

redis v2.8.9

Johan Bergström is as always doing a great and helpful job and is actively working on redis, thanks mate !

  • [NEW] The HyperLogLog data structure. You can read more about it  in this blog post
  • [NEW] The Sorted Set data type has now support for lexicographic range queries, check the new commands ZRANGEBYLEX, ZLEXCOUNT and ZREMRANGEBYLEX, which are documented at

py3status v1.5

  • fixes installation via pip
  • added a --version command line argument to get the currently installed version of py3status

upcoming bumps

You might be interested in what's next on the todo list :

  • With the help of Thomas D. aka @Whissi, we're working on bumping and enhancing rsyslog to v7.6.3. For this a series of its dependencies have been bumped today as well.
  • mongoDB v2.6.0 is also on track, as usual the guys @mongodb have broken the scons building so it's taking more time than it should to fix this hell (all help appreciated).