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mongoDB 2.6.8, 2.4.13 & the upcoming 3.0.0

I'm a bit slacking on those follow-up posts but with the upcoming mongoDB 3.x series and the recent new releases I guess it was about time I talked a bit about what was going on.


Thanks to the help of Tomas Mozes, we might get a release candidate version of the 3.0.0 version of mongoDB pretty soon in tree shall you want to test it on Gentoo. Feel free to contribute or give feedback in the bug, I'll do my best to keep up.

What Tomas proposes matches what I had in mind so for now the plan is to :

  • split the mongo tools (mongodump/export etc) to a new package : dev-db/mongo-tools or app-admin/mongo-tools ?
  • split the MMS monitoring agent to its own package : app-admin/mms-monitoring-agent
  • have a look at the MMS backup agent and maybe propose its own package if someone is interested in this ?
  • after the first release, have a look at the MMS deployment automation to see how it could integrate with Gentoo

mongodb-2.6.8 & 2.4.13

Released 2 days ago, they are already on portage ! The 2.4.13 is mostly a security (SSL v3) and tiny backport release whereas the 2.6.8 fixes quite a bunch of bugs.

Please note that I will drop the 2.4.x releases when 3.0.0 hits the tree ! I will keep the latest 2.4.13 in my overlay if someone asks for it.