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rabbitMQ : v3.1.1 released

EDIT: okay, they just released v3.1.1 so here it goes on portage as well !


  • relax validation of x-match binding to headers exchange for compatibility with brokers < 3.1.0
  • fix bug in ack handling for transactional channels that could cause queues to crash
  • fix race condition in cluster autoheal that could lead to nodes failing to re-join the cluster

3.1.1 changelog is here.

I've bumped the rabbitMQ message queuing server on portage. This new version comes with quite a nice bunch of bugfixes and features.


  • eager synchronisation of slaves by policy (manual & automatic)
  • cluster "autoheal" mode to automatically choose nodes to restart when a partition has occurred
  • cluster "pause minority" mode to prefer partition tolerance over availability
  • improved statistics (including charts) in the management plugin
  • quite a bunch of performance improvements
  • some nice memory leaks fixes

Read the full changelog.